here we go...ready to blast off on the BITS and RHYMES tour!
Click here for more info on that
Remember, although we don't seem like it, Ran and K are mere mortals, working feverishly on a 2 to 3 man operation to get you guys the music you love.
So, as we set out on our loooooooooong journey, we would like to offer you the opportunity to donate towards our road snack fund... Beef Jerky, Doritos and Red Bulls aren't cheap, in addition to hotels and other various expenses that come up on the road.
So thank you in advance for your well wishes... but for those who want to do more.. please feel free to donate HERE.
every dollar counts. ALSO, everyone who donates $5 or more will get a FREE exclusive, never before heard song by Ran and K.... Thank you for listening.
See ya on the road!