Hollywood Ran, 2.0- you might remember way back in the days when I mentioned my music being in an indie film...well, Ran's back..spreadin' like anthrax. A new indie film, called "Second Skin," chronicling the life of gamers, has tapped Mega Ran and his hit song "Grow Up."
here is a trailer of the flick:
It's being pitched to HBO and some other big names as we speak, so cross your fingers.
I am looking to release 4 projects this year. in order:
Patches and Glue-

late Feb, 08
an EP of 9 tracks, to include such joints as "Inbox" and "Twice Over." Production by DN3, Ohene, Storyville , K-Murdock of Panacea (Rawkus) and more.
read up on it in this nice write up on ThaHipHop.com:
RandomBeats presents AMERICAN GAMER-
so here's the deal... after I did this little "Mega Ran" album, mad folks have been sending me videogame beats, hoping I'll do some sorta sequel album....and I really don't think I'll do that....but i learned to never say never......
but that gave me an idea...I figured I'd put these beats to use.. myself and a few dope cats, K-Murdock and Pac0naut from Phoenix are working on a Jay-Z remix project called "American Gamer."
in what we all hope will be the final American Gangster remix project, we'll be sampling from popular and not so popular games on the mixtape, which will include about 9 of the album cuts.
This is one of my favorites, K-Murdock's Streets of Rage Remix of Jay-Z's "Say Hello"
take it and spread it...
This'll be free for everyone...coming soon.
another preview is on Paco's page....
they're EVERYWHERE!!
Marvin Gaye Tribute Album
if I had to pick just one musical influence, I'd hands down say Marvin Gaye. so, as a tribute to Marvin, I'll be recording and releasing a free album in which all of the tracks are sampled from Marvin Gaye compositions (sorry, no 'Sexual Healing'... I don't think). This'll be done just in time for Marvin's birthday in April.
The 8th Day
on August 8, 2008, or 08/08/08, the hip-hop world will begin anew. I'll be releasing a theme album based around the premise that on the day of new beginnings (the 8th day), everyone and everything must start fresh. I'm well into the recording process, and producers include http://www.myspace.com/samikg"> Samik, DN3, and MP Fiend of Baseline Ent.
and don't forget about

So, all in all, I got a lot of big stuff planned for this year... so stay tuned....
That "Say Hello" mix was nice. Can't wait to see what other videogame tracks get mixed in on that album.
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