best part about this job is the kids only go to school Mon-Thurs! YAY YAY!
anyway, Had a few Capcom-related news bits, and here they are.
1. MARVEL VS CAPCOM Mixtape-- its out.
well sorta, you only have a copy of the vinyl if you went to Comic Con and got lucky.

you can get it on Playstation Network sometime this month.
here's the tracklist: WOW.
1. "Superheroes" by Planet Asia and DJ Toure
2. "Number One" by Havoc and Nyce
3. "Terrorize" by Raekwon and Ohno
4. "The Remainder is One" by Random, Blaze Rock and Storyville
5. "Reinforcements" by DJ Qbert
6. "Take U 4 A Ryde" by Talib Kweli and Ohno
7. "Battle Drum" by Hieroglyphics
8. "Fight the Good Fight" by The Grouch and Eligh
9. "They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To" by E40 and DroopE
10. "Power Up" by MC Supernatural
GOOD NEWS for those of you who don't have the vinyl-- you can hear my track on the mixtape
download is FREE (128kb), and name your price for a HQ link! (min .99)
my man Seth got some words with me on the mixtape and some other stuff, check that out.
Unity: What excited you about the project in the first place?

the fact that it was based on the great Marvel Vs. Capcom franchise. I
spent many nights getting destroyed on the game; I was never any good
at it, but I'd always come back. So to be able to make a song that
would serve as a backdrop to the game was something I just had to get
involved with.
Unity: What do you think of the final product?
Random: The final product is incredible. Awesome artwork, a
killer lineup of many of my all-time faves, a sweet blue vinyl, what
more can you ask for? I'm really hoping a downloadable version comes
out soon, because I don't want to open my vinyl, I'm a collector. It's
an honor to even have my name that close to these folks.
killer lineup of many of my all-time faves, a sweet blue vinyl, what
more can you ask for? I'm really hoping a downloadable version comes
out soon, because I don't want to open my vinyl, I'm a collector. It's
an honor to even have my name that close to these folks.
Unity: What's your favorite track (apart from your own)?

know this might seem crazy, but I haven't heard it yet.. that's why I'm
hoping for a downloadable version! but I really like The Grouch and
Eligh's track that I heard.
Got a lot of work done this weekend, but also played hard.. peep my latest freestyle jam session.
part 1
part 2
Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is something we cannot live without in this day and age, and I am fairly certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of downloading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about every once in a while.
(Posted using Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i DS[/url] OperaV2)
Virtual memory is something that I seemingly will never have enough of. It feels like megabytes and gigabytes have become an inseparable part of my day to day existence. Ever since I bought a Micro SD Card for my DS flash card, I've been on permanent watch for high memory at cheap prices. It's driving me crazy.
(Posted by Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] FPost)
The writer is totally fair, and there's no doubt.
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