This ran this past Tuesday out there... wow.

Thanks to James Johnson, Laurie Conrad and The Associated Press...and Seth for the amazing quotes!
and to Mel "DN3" Raymond and Giovanni "G" Turner. Your quotes are missing but your influence and impact has been felt. Thank you.
if you can't read it, click for links.
and Thank you for Listening.
Ran that is sooo well deserved bro! good sh*t!
Thanks for sharing the link, but argg it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if someone here at could repost it.
Today I was specially registered at a forum to participate in discussion of this question.
well nice man! Link offline?
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➊ [SPACE MINIGAMES III] **Comment** New Vip! is a witty Place I made on the FREE game ROBLOX
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