Random Beats speaks. The life of a Teacher Rapper Hero is usually pretty interesting. So, I invite you into the dark corners of my mind. wipe your feet.
3b. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Xbox 360 (49.99 used, 59.99 new @ Gamestop) I've played a little of the AC games and I've enjoyed them a lot.
4. Jordan 11 Cool Grey size 14 (174.99 wherever you can find them) These shoes first dropped in 2001, and were a big hit... I had just graduated from college then and couldnt get them. I'm nowhere near the sneaker head I was back then, but these are dope.
5. Native Instruments Maschine (599.99 @ Amazon) The ultimate beatmaking device. This thing could make me throw away a lot of junk in my studio and still make good stuff. it's an all-in-one, and a beast of a machine.
Remember, although we don't seem like it, Ran and K are mere mortals, working feverishly on a 2 to 3 man operation to get you guys the music you love.
So, as we set out on our loooooooooong journey, we would like to offer you the opportunity to donate towards our road snack fund... Beef Jerky, Doritos and Red Bulls aren't cheap, in addition to hotels and other various expenses that come up on the road.
So thank you in advance for your well wishes... but for those who want to do more.. please feel free to donate HERE.
every dollar counts. ALSO, everyone who donates $5 or more will get a FREE exclusive, never before heard song by Ran and K.... Thank you for listening.
PHOENIX, AZ - You might remember Philly-born Teacher/Rapper/Producer Random (aka Mega Ran) released his last album, the gamer throwback Forever Famicom with producer K-Murdock of Panacea in June 2010. The album was praised for its nostalgic beats and heartfelt lyrics.
One week ago, the duo decided to involve the fans in the next evolution of the highly popular project, by developing a DVD movie and vinyl version of the album. They asked the fans to donate through Kickstarter, and the fans answered…big time.
In just 5 days, the project has reached its $2500 goal, and is now over $3000 with over 20 days remaining on the campaign.
In response to the overwhelming fan support, Ran decided to release a special album for free, entitled Heroes, Volume One. The 10-track album features production by DN3, EOM, CJ and Ran himself, sampling records from music icons like James Brown, Marvin Gaye, The Jacksons, Stevie Wonder and more.
well not exactly. I'm almost ashamed to say that I've never played the Zero series, but I created this song, using the MMZ theme, called "The Resistance.
I don’t think I’ll forget that day. When Michael Jackson passed on June 25, 2009, I was in Nashville, on tour, and I saw the rumors coming across Twitter at an alarming rate... I ran to the closest place with a TV, which was a Burger King of all places.. with a major spelling faux pas on the sign outside. ... and sat there glued to the TV until I heard the news.
I didn't even want to perform that night... in fact the show itself is pretty much a blur. Worst was I had to drive from Nashville to Philly that next day, all alone. I played "Man In The Mirror" about 75 times on repeat, no joke.
It's a shame, because as great as MJ was... we took his talent and influence for granted. There will never ever be another Michael Jackson, and we were blessed to be able to see you at your peak.
When MJ won all those Grammys in 1985, I remember begging my mom to stay up later, to see how many he would win. Up until the credits rolled on the show, I was sure he would win 15 or 20.
I felt like I lost an uncle, a family member that day. Words really can't express MJ's influence on my childhood, my culture, my life. I still have a pic of myself in the Thriller jacket dancing to some MJ (I won't upload that, don't ask). There's no way I can ever repay him for all the memories, but I figured I'd try the best way I knew how. I created a tribute song to one of my favorite MJ tunes, "Off The Wall."
Here's my song with DN3, collectively known as The RandomBeagle - "Enjoy Yourself"
This week should be incredible, with E3 and a ton of shows! catch me at a spot near you, here's a look at my schedule for this week, plenty of opportunities to catch the Forever Famicom Experience!
June 15-17, 2010 – Special Appearance @ E3 Expo, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA – 10am – 6pm (must register to attend)
June 15, 2010 – Live Performance @ West Coast Wigout 2! @ Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra, CA w/A_Rival, The Megas and more. 7PM -11PM (Random set time TBA) $10.
June 16, 2010 – Live Performance w/K-Murdock in Digital Drinks by Digital LA and GamerGirl @ The Conga Room, Los Angeles, CA 7PM to 10PM (Random’s set time TBA) $10 ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED (E3 attendees FREE, no RSVP required) RSVP HERE
June 17, 2010 – Live Performance/Appearance @ Mindshare LA , @ the 740 Club, 753 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA
anyone interested in coming to any of these events, hit me up about guest lists, discount rates, etc. I gotcha!
-Mega Ran
Order Forever Famicom NOW! and get a free bonus CD!
if you're on Twitter, today is the day to hit up hashtag #ForeverFamicom to let people know about the project!
Once per day, I'll pick a random tweeter (that's what they're called, right? ) who uses the hashtag #foreverfamicom to get a FREE T-Shirt or Forever Famicom magnet! you can't beat free..
Next question is... what do you think? What song should we shoot a video for? anything stand out to you? let us know. we've got some ideas up the sleeve.
WHAT IS FOREVER FAMICOM?? (refresher course by Random and K-Murdock)
also as a reward for being a super supporter, save 45% on any Random music purchase at http://random.bandcamp.com with the code "megaranrocks" (no quotes)
Still like picking up CDs at stores? Forever Famicom is now in these stores:
Fat Beats Records (with free T-Shirt!)
7600 Melrose Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA - (323) 655-8997
Fat Beats Records
406 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY - (212) 673-3883
LA Underground
2000 Central Avenue Southeast,
Albuquerque, NM - (505) 246-9455
more locations being added, like as I type!
Not in your local store? Okay, do one of two things:
* email me your local store's info * get yours with rush shipping by clicking the link here...
don't forget, those who preordered should be on the lookout for a Bonus Beats pak THIS WEEK containing instrumentals and unreleased tracks!
but there's MORE!
my brother from another Haj of DUMHI is dropping a super dope project this month, called The Jungle.
his 1st single, "Philly Cousins" with Reef The Lost Cauze, is burning up right now, and I'm on the 2nd single, "Dumhi Cannons" with Ethel Cee.. A video for this song will premiere TODAY on the Dumhi website, so check it out!
* Get Forever Famicom, either at a record store, or at this link. * on Twitter? tag #foreverfamicom and win free stuff. * Also support the new Dumhi project, at dumhi.com * Let me know of any record stores in your area. * Have a great day.
Thought he was done? Not yet! Random, aka Mega Ran releases a video his second Mega Man 10 remix track, and the results are.. well... sick! The track is available on Random's Bandcamp site as well as on iTunes, for just a buck... he says that once the song receives 10 downloads and 10 iTunes comments (get it, for Mega Man 10), he'll begin working on the next track. The song samples the "Go Together" Theme by Inti Creates on the Mega Man 10 game.Video work by Random and Griff Morivan.
what up gang... I know it's been a minute since you heard some new Random music (yeah, like a whole month since "306"), but I wanted you to know that Mega Ran has also been hard at work. Between The Forever Famicom project with K-Murdock, and the Language Arts project with DN3 and EOM, I may or may not be working on a something special based on the return of an 8-bit icon to the gaming world.
MEGA MAN 10 is supposed to be dropping next month on Wii, Ps3 and Xbox Live, and I only get asked about 17 times a day if I'm gonna work on something related to this game release.
your 99 cents will go a loooooooooooooooong way towards motivating me to do a whole Mega Ran 10 album....maybe. yeah.
TEXAS - if you're in San Antonio this weekend, I'll be out there at Our Lady of the Lake University droppin' a full set plus panel discussion. I'll be sure to bring my cowboy hat.
peace, peeps. Every year, I look forward to this time... not because of the day off on Monday, but because I get to talk to my students about one of my personal heroes and an inspiration to all, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King's movement and message is especially meaningful to me in these days that we live in, and in tribute I created a track, entitled "306."
The number refers to the room in the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King often stayed when he visited Memphis, TN, and where he spent the final minutes of his life. I had a chance to stop in Memphis on tour this summer, and the first place I went was to the Lorraine, which is now a Civil Rights Museum..and it was truly moving.
It was then and there that I took out a pen and paper and started writing "306." Honestly it was one of the hardest songs for me to write, as it got me a little emotional.
I planned to write an entire album based on MLK's life, and this wouldve been the final song... but it was just too big of a task to undertake. a great man like King deserved more time and effort than I could give them.. but thanks so much for the feedback.. tell a friend. ;D
FEBRUARY 2009 In February, I dropped the free version of Mega Ran 9 to a hungry video game and hip hop audience, and the response was astounding. My peeps at Capcom showed love as well, and when the full version dropped in March, a dope video was available for Splash Woman.
many thanks to Music Video Mayhem!
also in Feb, Street Fighter 4 released and sapped a lot of my creativity and memory. Moving on...
MARCH 2009 - I officially released Mega Ran 9 for sale, and people bought it! thanks guys. (plug--- go cop that.)
March was pretty big for a few reasons: I took my yearly trip to Florida for a gig at Anime Express, and the adventure became a song. Also, I signed my first Japanese record label contract with River City Records to release Randomonium, an import-only release. APRIL 2009- I learned that Scribble Jam and Blender, 2 media outlets who were very instrumental in supporting Random in 2008, were no more :-( This was only the beginning of the bad news. MAY 2009 - I experienced ups and downs at the same time. While I was set to release my first mixtape, TeacherRapperHero,more love came my way, but the biggest bombshell of my life was on the way.
Random got fired. a week after teacher appreciation day.
June 25, Nashville, TN. Cafe Coco. I got the news of Michael Jackson's passing and didn't want to believe it, let along perform that night. crazy crazy moment. JULY 2009 - I got to Rochester New York to find my face in the paper! what a scary thought.
After that it was Comic Con time, and I had the opportunity of a lifetime when myself , Blaze Rock and Storyville's tune "Remainder is One" got put on the Marvel vs Capcom 2 Mixtape. and its on the Playstation Network!
AUGUST 2009 - I'm back in the teaching world as I get offered and accept a new position teaching 7th/8th graders.
SEPTEMBER 2009 - I started writing a bunch of new music but had no place to put it, so on my birthday (the 3rd, put it on your calendars), I released a short online-only project to get those songs out there. included was this little ditty:
NOVEMBER 2009 - I don't remember much happening in November, I guess I was just ready for the holidays.
DECEMBER 2009 I went home to visit the fam and was greeted by 23 inches of snow. and they wonder why I say I wont move back tot he east coast. there, I got a crazy idea about the new Mega Man 10 game... crazy. Sign the Petition! I spent the last week of 2009 visiting Atlanta as an unexpected stop on the way back to Philly. Also, I just found out I ended the year as the #1 ranked hip-hop artist on Reverbnation in Phoenix, AZ. whoo! so that was my year, now I'll end it off with some photos.. enjoy and Happy New Year!